Mindfulness Teachers
Carla Martins
- Founder and CEO Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness since 2007. - Ph.D. Psychology, (focus on Transpersonal Psychology and Mindfulness-Based Interventions), Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, U.S.A. - MSC Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Kent, U.K - Diploma Clinical Neuropsychology, Psiclinica, PT - Bsc Psychology - University of Glamorgan, U.K. - Certified Teacher of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) - Center for Mindfulness of the University of Massachussetts (CFM UMASS) teaching since 2007 - Certified Teacher of MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) for Clinical Groups and MBCT for Life - Oxford Mindfulness Center - Facilitator of Trauma- Sensitive Mindfulness, David Treleaven, Oxford Mindfulness Center - Mindfulness Teacher for Children and Adolescents, Still Quiet Place and Mindful Schools since 2013 - Advanced Training in Inquiry in Mindfulness Based Programs com Saki Santorelli, Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness, 2021- Formação em MBI-TAC - Mindfulness Based Teacher Assessment Criteria com Lynn Korbel, Mindfulness Center at Brown University, USA, 2021 - Qualified Teacher MBRP (Mindfulness Based Replase Prevention) , Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness with Devin Ashwood, 2022 - Training in Mindfulness Based Supervision, Mindfulness Network (UK), 2022 - Portuguese Ambassador for Mindfulness App – MINDAPPS - Consultant for EsmeraldAzul in the area of Mindfulness since 2014 - Author of the book - Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Older Adults: Evidence for Practice (Jessica Kinsgley Publishers, Inglaterra) |
Filipa Soares
Professional Training
- Training in Mindfulness Programs for Children and Adolescents: Mindful in Schools Project (UK), Mindful Schools (USA), Susan Keiser Greenland (USA), Gina Biegel (USA) | 2014-2017
Academic Training - Undergraduate degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education at the University of Porto, Portugal.
Professional Experience - since 2015 – Mindfuness teacher for children and adolescets at Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness - 2006- 2012 – Project coordinator at national and european level and harm reduction Professional with youth at party settings at APDES Piaget Agency for Development. - 2004- 2006 – Harm reduction Professional with drug users (schools, party settings and injection rooms) and sex workers ar ABD Associació Benestar y Desarollo (Barcelona) - 2002- 2003 – Psychologist at APAV (Portuguese Association for Crime Victims)
Personal training in Mindfulness 2012 - 2018 - Saki Santorelli and Florence Meyers:Mind & Body Medicine (UMASS, E.U.A) - Tara Brach e Jack Kornefield,Power of Awareness(Sounds True, USA) - Oren Sofen:Mindful Comunication (Mindful Schools, USA) - Mikaela Ovèn Conscious Parenting, (Life Training, Portugal) - Elisa Kozasa: CEB – Cultivating Emotional Balance (Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness, Portugal) - Carla Martins: MBSR (Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness, Portugal)
Vanda Sousa
- Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon - Postgraduate in Marketing Management by IDEFE – ISEG - Advanced course "Accelerate Leadership Program" by London Business School - Advanced course "Fast Forward Program" by IESE Business School - University of Navara - Search Inside Yourself Teacher Training by SIYLI
Worked for 18 years in multinational companies, assuming different functions in the areas of sales, marketing and new business models and being responsible for managing different teams. Being aware that personal and professional well-being is essential for being more effective and efficient and fundamental in the relationship we establish with colleagues and partners, she decided to complement her training with several courses in the field of leadership, conflict management, time management and team management. Yoga and meditation practitioner on a regular basis, she has a particular interest in the areas of health, personal development and well-being. In 2015 she became a Certified Facilitator of Conscious Parenting by LIFE Training / Mikaela Ovén and in 2017 she made the Mindfulness Program for Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Carla Martins, at Ser Integral – Centro Português de Mindfulness. In 2018 and with the goal of developing and exploring the practice of mindfulness at workplace, she decided to participate on the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program, becoming a certified teacher. SIY is a program initially developed by Google that interlinks the development of emotional intelligence, mindfulpractices and leadership principles. In the last years she has been dedicated to marketing and human resources consulting. Her main focus is the development of corporate programs that allow greater business efficiency while taking care of its most precious asset: people. |